
I have always enjoyed nature. I also like to shoot under technically difficult conditions like bright sun, low light, sneaking up on animals, macro, etc. This site is the melding of these two distinct passions.

My interest stemmed in part from having access to some nice settings in northern Illinois and in northern Wisconsin. Also from having an engineering background where at least some of what I do is detail extraction in complex settings in high-end imaging applications.

photo by danny donahoe

I won a few contests, been published in county newspapers, and provide content for several websites. I also sell prints at various stores, boutiques, individuals, and to hospitals and medical clinics.

My goal is typically to reproduce the vividness and detail present in the actual scene as observed (something the eye is good at, but cameras, not as much). I developed, and extensively use, PhotoPageGen to generate webpages of photos for showings to customers, friends, publishing, events, archival, and collaborating with other photographers.

My favorite medium to use is canvas and metal, which works very well for this type of photography. Contact me if you desire something.

signature gray




Current inventory


Superfluous to this site, but possibly interesting to some…


Didn’t make the cut

Countless photoshoots are not good enough to make this site. They still might be worth a look though for something unique or to further work on. See mediocre shoots.

Contacting me